Governance & Ethics

Strong governance strengthens Hecla’s policies and performance, and it distinguishes us as a respected precious metals producer. Operating transparently and with integrity has helped us earn the trust of our stakeholders, credibility within our communities, and dedication from our employees.

Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors (the “Board”) is made up of seven members that bring a broad range of expertise, skills, professional experience and industry background. The Board oversees the Company’s business strategy with the goal of delivering long-term value to shareholders and stakeholders and monitors and assesses risk exposure in the following areas:

  • Operational
  • Strategic
  • Legal and regulatory
  • Reputational
  • Financing, including borrowing, liquidity, capital allocation and hedging
About The Board

Six of seven directors are independent

29% of the Board is female

14% racial/ethnic diversity 

Since 2016, 83% Board refreshment

The positions of CEO and Chairperson of the Board are currently held by the same person.  The Board has appointed an Independent Lead Director.

Average tenure is approximately 9 years

Average age of our directors is 68

Directors cannot be nominated for re-election after their 75th birthday


Hecla’s business units identify and manage business risks, and our management provides updates via business reports at meetings of the Board and its committees throughout the year.

Committees and Charters

The Board has established five committees and has developed charters which outlines their key risk oversight and responsibilities.

Audit Committee

Committee Members


  • Manages financial statement integrity and reporting
  • Monitors internal controls
  • Oversees audit work
  • Monitors compliance with securities and financial regulations
  • Manages major financing and other business risk exposures
  • Oversees major Information security, technology, and privacy and data protection

Governance & Social Responsibility Committee

Committee Members


  • Identifies and monitors environmental, climate, health, safety, sustainability, public policy and social trends, issues, guidance, concerns and risks, and other corporate responsibility matters (collectively ESG)
  • Evaluates and develops recommendations regarding adopting ESG policies, systems, strategies, and initiatives
  • Identifies the selection of qualified candidates to become directors
  • Develops and recommends Corporate Governance Guidelines and principles
  • Oversees evaluation of the Board and management

Compensation Committee

Committee Members


  • Oversees executive compensation policies and practices
  • Assesses the Company’s compensation arrangements to determine if their provisions and operations create undesired or unintentional risks of a material nature
  • Approves compensation levels and programs for the executive officers, including the CEO

Health, Safety, Environmental & Technical Committee

Committee Members


  • Oversees operational and other technical risks, reserves, environmental, health and safety compliance, as well as risks related to public policy initiatives
  • Monitors the implementation and effectiveness of health, safety, environmental and sustainability policies and systems
  • Oversees strategy and efforts to protect and improve the quality of the environment, including climate change and sustainability policies and programs
  • Monitors efforts to create a culture of continuous improvement related to health, safety, environmental and sustainability practices

Executive Committee

Accountability for Environment Social & Governance (ESG)

The Governance and Social Responsibility Committee (GSR) is responsible for overseeing corporate governance and ESG risks and opportunities. In addition, the Health, Safety, Environmental and Technical Committee (HSET) supports the furtherance of Hecla’s commitment to adopt best practices in mining operations, promote a healthy and safe work environment and advance environmentally sound and socially responsible resource development.

Executive Level

At the executive level, the Vice President – Corporate Development and Sustainability reports directly to the CEO and is responsible for implementing the Company’s sustainability program, specifically the community relations, environmental and social aspects of ESG, while the Board focuses on governance aspects.

Local Level

At the local level, the Company has risk assessment and mitigation measures in place at each operation, and the Vice President – General Managers are responsible for ensuring continuous improvement toward sustainability goals.

Hecla Current Management Chart

Director Communications

Shareholders or other interested parties wishing to communicate with the Chair or with the non-management directors as a group, may do so by delivering or mailing the communication in writing to:

Chair of the Board
c/o Corporate Secretary
Hecla Mining Company
6500 N Mineral Dr., Suite 200
Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83815-9408

Concerns relating to accounting, internal controls or auditing matters are immediately brought to the attention of our internal auditor and handled in accordance with procedures established by the Audit Committee with respect to such matters. From time to time, the Board may change the process in which shareholders may communicate with the Board or its members.